In the year 2006-2007 CUTS Centre for Consumer Action, Research & Training (CART) successfully implemented a project titled ‘Tobacco: Deadly in any forum or Disguise’ in partnership with the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoHFW), Government of India and the World Health Organization (WHO, India) and in active collaboration with the Department of Health and Family Welfare, Government of Rajasthan.
Objective of the project was to sensitize the educational institutes about the Section 6 of the tobacco control act and to advocate for necessary action for the strict enforcement of the law as well as to educate general public about the ill effects of tobacco use, provisions of tobacco control law, especially about the ban on smoking in public place (section 4).
Awareness & sensitization campaign have been done in selected 50 schools of Jaipur city. These events helped in sensitizing the students and teachers community and educating the school authorities about the need for the strict enforcement of Tobacco Control Law. Other activities like street plays, documentary film screening, signature campaigns and poster competitions for school children were also conducted to create awareness in among the students & teachers as well as general public. The project has provided a common forum to various stakeholders inclusive of media discussing collectively up on building synergy in attempts towards eradication of tobacco consumption.
Tobacco Control Intervention (Phase-II)
To take forward the success of first phase into the all divisions of Rajasthan, a new project conceptualized and started in August 2008 with the title ‘Tobacco Control Campaign by Mobilizing Key Stakeholders in Rajasthan State’ in partnership with the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, GoI and the World Health Organization (WHO, India) and in active collaboration with the Department of Health, GoR.
Objectives of the second phase of project was to replicate the success of first phase of project into all seven administrative divisions of Rajasthan, advocacy with government as well as to assess the level of awareness with regard to tobacco control, pattern of consumption among the various strata of society and perception towards the whole issue of tobacco consumption.
For this assessment, a survey was conducted in all seven divisions of Rajasthan. Findings and recommendations were shared with concerned departments, enforcement authorities and other stakeholders through divisional level events in all over Rajasthan. Several other small surveys were conducted in Jaipur city to check the violation of COTPA. Divisional level events and awareness rallies cover all the seven divisions of Rajasthan. CUTS become the member of ‘Advocacy Forum for Tobacco Control (AFTC)’ at national level and formed ‘Rajasthan Coalition for Tobacco Control (RCTC)’ in Rajasthan state jointly with other organisations working for Tobacco Control. For its constant and effective contribution in the tobacco control, CUTS became member of state monitoring/steering committee of Health Department. Government of Rajasthan under Section-5 of COTPA. CUTS was also awarded by the State Health Department, Govt. of Rajasthan on May 31, 2011 for its outstanding contribution on Tobacco Control Interventions in Rajasthan in past years
- Divisional Level Events:
- State Level Advocacy Meeting under Tobacco Control Project
- Report – Anti Tobacco Monitoring Cell
- CUTS School Survey on Tobacco Control, 2008
- Brief Survey Report
- Newsletter
- CUTS become Member of DLCC on Tobacco Control, 2015
- World No Tobacco Day 2019- Conference on Tobacco and Lung Health
- World No Tobacco Day 2021: Article- Ban Tobacco Products to Fight Covid 19