Sustainable Mobility
‘Mobility is in severe crisis, no matter, what place we talk about. CUTS CART looks forward to a focused transport alternative that could enhance the quality of mobility by providing the people eco-friendly, safe, affordable, easily available mode of transportation, which is supplemented with examined facts prepared through extensive research and survey for smooth flow of traffic in Indian cities in general and Jaipur in particular. It also aims to inculcate a sense of responsibility and respect to other road users.
The Centre bases its work on sustainable mobility on research in the area of transportation planning with emphasis on safety, including environmental and economic issues for genuinely sustainable mobile future.
Keeping the above agenda in mind, CUTS is actively involved in raising the road safety issues since long through a number of awareness programmes and campaigns. CUTS study on road safety in 1990 became the basis for the National Road Safety Policy in 1993, seeking to reduce the death level from road accidents. It was nominated to the National Road Safety Council twice, and its first high level Ministerial Committee was established to formulate the National Road Safety Policy. In 1993 and 1997, CUTS was nominated as member of the National Safety Council set up by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH), Government of India. CUTS was also associated in drafting and giving inputs in the first ever road safety policy of the country.
Five separate working groups were set up by Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Government of India on 4Es of Road Safety viz. Education, Engineering (Roads), Engineering (vehicles), Enforcement & Emergency care to recommend inter-alia short-term and long-term solutions on road safety issues. Consumer Unity and Trust Society (CUTS) was entrusted with the work to prepare ‘Report on Education’ which consists recommendations and road map for safety of road users. All these working groups have submitted their reports and these reports have been uploaded in our Ministry’s website as indicated below under the head ‘Road Safety’ for information of all concerned. Further, a synthesis report (of the Working Groups constituted by MoRTH) voluntarily prepared by Consumer Unity and Trust Society (CUTS International) was being examined and edited by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways and the National Road Safety Council (NRSC).
More information about CUTS work in road safety @ dossier-CUTS Work in Road Safety as below.
As part of its continuous intervention in road safety, CUTS in partnership with Lund University, Department of Technology and Society, Sweden and with the support of Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA), New Delhi had implemented a project ‘Traffic Calming Strategies to Improve Pedestrian Safety in India’ (TCS) in 2008-10. The project aimed to study the shortcomings and causes that make sites accident-prone and then developing and testing holistic traffic calming strategies. Those effective measurements then were summarized in a manual for the Indian traffic police personnel, planners and engineers suggesting remedial road designs that would help in calming traffic. Details on the project can be viewed @ TCS Project Webpage positioned below.
In 2016, CUTS conceived and designed the Road Safety Advocacy (RoSA) project in partnership with Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP). This one-year advocacy project commenced from October 01, 2016 and aimed to generate awareness about the Motor Vehicle Amendment Bill and its key highlights among all stakeholders including common public and making a strong base for urgent enactment of Motor Vehicle (Amendment) Bill, 2016 in India. So as to address the burning issues of common road users related to road safety through strong advocacy. More details @ RoSA Project Webpage positioned below.
Similarly, under the ‘Institutional and Legislative Assessment of Road Safety in Selected States in India’ project, CUTS undertook the assessment of Institutional framework of Road safety in first round and Legislative Assessment in second round. The assessment was done in four states (Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Telangana and West Bengal) and Two Union Territories (Delhi NCR and Puducherry). The project was supported by World Health Organisation.
Apart from above, CUTS, in partnership with Ministry of Road Transport and Highway, Government of India has been conducting Road Safety Campaign since 2002. Simultaneously, CUTS has also partnered with FIA foundation in the “Make the Road Safe Campaign”.
- Final Report of 2002 MoRTH Programme
- Final Report of 2003 MoRTH Programme
- Final Report of 2004 MoRTH Programme
- Final Report of 2006 MoRTH Programme
- Final Report of 2009 MoRTH Programme
- Traffic Calming Strategies to Improve Pedestrian Safety in India (TCS), 2008-10
- Administering Road Safety Programme in Rajasthan, 2019-MoRTH
- Administering Road Safety Programme in Rajasthan, 2021-MoRTH
Campaigns on Road Safety
Projects Under Implementation
Publications/Research/Monograph/Bill Blow Ups/Dossier:
- CUTS on Road Safety in India
- CUTS Dossier on Road Safety (as on May, 2023)
- CUTS Dossier on Road Safety (as on July, 2017)
- Synthesis Report of Four Working Groups on Road Safety Submitted to MoRTH, Govt. of India
- Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Bill 2016-Bill Blow Up
- Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Act 2019
- CUTS Report on ‘Road Safety Education’ Submitted to MoRTH in 2011
An informal network for action on road safety is constituted under the flagship of CUTS as Network for Action on Road Safety (NARS). Voluntary organizations workings on the issues of traffic safety are the members of the informal network. Presently the secretariat of the NARS is at CUTS office. More about NARS
- Report: Institutional and Legislative Assessment of Road Safety in India
- Provisions for Rule Making in M V Amendment Act, 2019
- Rajasthan Road Sector Modernisation Project
- National Road Safety Policy
- Ministry of Road Transport and Highways
- Global Plan for Decade of Action for Road Safety, 2011-20
PILs/Petitions Submitted By CUTS
- PIL in National Green Tribunal on ‘No Honking’ in 2021-22
- CUTS Vs State Govt. of Rajasthan_National Green Tribunal Judgement on Noise Pollution and Honking-In Nutshell
- CUTS Vs State Govt. of Rajasthan_National Green Tribunal Judgement on Noise Pollution and Honking-Complete
- PIL on Road Safety Issues in Jaipur Submitted to Rajasthan High Court in 2005
- Petition in Rajasthan Human Rights State Commission for Banning Jeeps Used as Public Transport in 2001-02
Women & Child Rights
Subordination and subjugation of women is prevalent in every sphere of life in India, which is socially and culturally constructed and maintained forcefully through ages, and which violate their rights to be equal partner vis-à-vis men in every aspect of human development.
Development indices show that India neglects the early care and development of children, especially those under the age of 6. These children receive very little attention in the media, political debates or even in Parliament.
CUTS CART urges the Government to prioritise policies for promoting and practicing the legitimate actions to raise the living standards of women and children in the society.
Sustainable Development
The interference by mankind into the natural system has severely threatened the whole natural and physical resources and further deterioration is taking place through devastation of life support system, which is necessary for sustenance of economies. If we continue on the same path, not only the other life forms but also the very existence of mankind is in danger. There are limits to nature’s capacity to absorb threats. Therefore, the idea of sustainable development is based on the sustainability of environment, livelihood etc.
CUTS CART derives its activities for sustainable development with emphasis on Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), environment, livelihoods etc. It does value addition in Government’s programmes at state, regional and national level through action, research, advocacy and other implements.
- CUTS Campaign “Go Solar, Save Water”
- Scoping Study and Stakeholder Mapping for Localisation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the State Level in India
- Sustainable Consumption and Production in India: A Consumer Perspective