Participation in World Consumer Congress
Estoril, Portugal, April 29-May 2, 2019 -
Meeting of the CI Council
London, February 10-11, 2016 -
Strategic Planning Meeting of SSNC
Stockholm, October 05-09, 2015 -
Visit to Brazil
November 14-21, 2015 -
Civil Society Programme for ADB’s Annual Meeting
Baku, Azerbaijan, May 01-05, 2015 -
Meeting of the Third Ad hoc Expert Group on the UNGCP
UNCTAD at Palais des Nations, January 21-24, 2015, Geneva -
SSNC Report
Stockholm (Sweden), January 18-21, 2015 -
GPSA Global Partners Forum
Washington DC, May 13- 16, 2014 -
Partnership for Development Knowledge Conference
Sana’a, Yemen, March 03-07, 2014 -
Methodology Training Course on Social Accountability Tools
Uganda & Kenya, July 07-15, 2013 -
Visit of officials from Swedish Society for Nature Conservation (SSNC)
Jaipur, India, June 03-05, 2013 -
World Bank ‘Supervision & Orientation Mission’ to ANSA Arab World
Cairo, Egypt, May 25-30, 2013 -
Various meetings at USA
Washington DC & Portland (Oregon), April 07-14, 2013 -
International Expert Group on Financial Services
London, January 30-Februray 03, 2013 -
Various meetings of Consumers International
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, March 5-9, 2012 -
Community Score Card Piloting in Nepal: Orientation cum Training
Katmandu, Nepal, November 13-18, 2011 -
Brief Report of the ITP on ‘Decentralization and Good Governance with Gender Perspective’ 2011
Sweden, September 19 – October 14, 2011 -
Workshop on Advocacy and Negotiation Skills
Dhaka, Bangladesh, May 22-25, 2011 -
Phase IV of ITP
Cambodia, May 05-14, 2011 -
19th Consumer International’s World Congress
Hong Kong, May 03-07, 2011 -
Strengthening Institutional Capacity on Sustainability Criteria for Bio-Energy
Katmandu, Nepal, April 19-21, 2011 -
Action Learning to Implement Social Accountability in Monitoring the Performance of Government of Vietnam
Oxfam GB, Hanoi, Vietnam, March 01-03, 2011 -
CI’s Core Group Meeting on ‘Financial Services
London, November 29-30, 2010 -
Civil Society – The Missing Link in Health Systems?
Washington DC, March 29, 2010 -
Conference on ‘Demanding Good Governance: Inside & Out’
Washington DC, March 25, 2010 -
ANSA- SAR Launched to Promote Governance and Accountability
Dhaka, March 07-11, 2010 -
Influencing Policies to Improve Outcomes through Social Accountability Approaches: Field Experiences from India
Washington DC, June 02-03, 2008 -
Genuine Demand with Social Accountability
Paris, November 01-02, 2007