Consumer Unity & Trust Society (CUTS) organized training on Financial Consumer Protection for a group of delegates from Uzbekistan, representing Central Bank of Uzbekistan, Federation of consumer protection societies of the Republic of Uzbekistan, National Association of Microfinance Institutions and German international cooperation (GIZ), Uzbekistan during May 13-16, 2013.
CUTS oriented them on topics such as Indian Consumer Protection Act and consumer protection mechanism in India; Overview of Indian financial sector and Measures for Consumer Protection; Financial inclusion, emerging issues such as banking culture, cash incentives miss-selling and remittance; Existing Financial sector Regulatory, regulatory governance and the task of financial law.
The delegates visited Reserve Bank of India (RBI), Office of the Banking Ombudsman and the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) to learn a about the functioning of these institutions with the aim to replicate some of the functions in Uzbekistan. They interacted with the officials of the respective institutions and appreciated the mechanisms developed under financial sector. The group also visited the offices of CUTS in Jaipur to learn about the functioning of consumer organisations.
The group also visited one of the villages near Jaipur to study about the micro-finance and interacted with the members of Self Help Groups (SHGs) facilitated by the NGO, CECOEDECON.
For more information, please contact:
Amarjeet Singh/Arjun Kant Jha
CUTS Center for Consumer Action, Research & Training (CUTS CART)
277, Sindhi Colony, Bhaskar Marg, Bani Park
Jaipur 302016, India
Ph: +91.141.2282062, 2282823/2282482
Mobile: 91-93513 66827/ 98290 15812
Fax: 91.141.4015 395