‘Ensuring service delivery through community monitoring of health services in 30
health centers in Tonk district of Rajasthan’
Date: July 29, 2010 (Thursday)
Venue: Hotel Jaipur Palace, Sahkar Marg, Tonk Road, Rajasthan
CUTS in partnership with Transparency and Accountability Programme (TAP) of the Results for Development (R4D) based in Washington DC is implementing a social accountability project in Tonk district of Rajasthan. Civic engagement and community monitoring aspect of National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) is kept as a central point of the study under the project.
- Project Scoping
- Constitution of Monitoring Cell
- District Level Launch Meeting
- Sample Selection
- Orientation for Members of Monitoring Cell
- Participatory Absenteeism Tracking Process
- Interview of Service Providers at the Grassroots
- Interface Meeting
- Workshop for frontline Service Providers
- Data Compilation and Analysis
- Disseminations at various levels
The data collected through various research tools is complied and analyzed. The key findings, emerged out of the research study, along with the draft recommendations were disseminated through the District Level Dissemination Meeting (DLDM) held on June 29, 2010 in the target district of Tonk, which was attended by key officials from the Dept. of Health and representatives of various stakeholders. Based on the comments and feedback from the meeting, we have again fine tuned the recommendations and ready to disseminate it at the state level among policy makers and other relevant stakeholders.
With the purpose of presenting the findings and the recommendations to the key policy makers at the state level and to a wider audience, as part of the evidence based advocacy, CUTS is organizing the State Level Dissemination cum Advocacy Meeting in Jaipur (at Hotel Jaipur Palace, Sahakar Marg, Tonk Road, Jaipur-302 015; Tel: 141-2743161) on Thursday, July 29, 2010. Key officials from the Dept. of Health and various other stakeholder groups are expected to attend the meeting.
For More Information please contact
Om Prakash Arya (9928039210) /Amar Deep Singh (9314617532)
Ph: 91. 5133259; 2282 823/2282 482; Fx: 91.141.4015 395
Email: cart@cuts.org; Website: http://www.cuts-international.org/cart