CUTS Centre for Consumer Action, Research & Training (CUTS-CART), Jaipur in partnership with CUTS Centre for International Trade, Economics & Environment (CUTS-CITEE), Jaipur, and with an active support from Novib (Oxfam Netherlands) and NORAD (Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation), New Delhi plans to organise a ‘Media Workshop Under GRANITE Project’ at Harish Chandra Mathur-Rajasthan State Institute of Public Administration (HCM-RIPA), Rajasthan, India on October 6, 2005.
The objective of the workshop is to actively involve the media in disseminating comprehensive information and greater orientation on issues pertaining to agriculture, textile & handlooms under Globalisation and World Trade Organisation (WTO) regimes, so that right information and knowledge about these issues could reach in right perspective to the public at large, and thus can have larger implications on their lives. The media, which has been playing a crucial role in promoting trade and economic activities in the country, is one of the key stakeholder groups in GRANITE Project.
The workshop aims to cultivate critical points for debates and discussions, so that there emerges a better understanding on issues related to national and international trade leading towards convergence of various approaches and views. The media persons, both national as well regional level, from English and local language press including alternative media will participate in the workshop.
For further information, please contact:
Punyarupa Bhadury/George Cheriyan
Ph: 91.141.228 2821/513 3259
Fax: 91.141. 510 4258