Apart from its various endeavors in several sectors, CUTS has been working in the area of enhancing transparency and accountability at all levels of governance through increased people’s participation. Various Tools and techniques for enhancing accountability and transparency such as Budget Analysis, Participatory Expenditure Tracking Survey (PETS), Citizen Report Card (CRC), Community Score Card (CSC), Right to Information (RTI) advisory & Information centre, campaigns, surveys, advocacy are used for past one decade.
CUTS has been involved in assessing the implementation of various flagship schemes of government such as Mid Day Meal Scheme (MDMS), National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme’ (NREGS) and National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) through active participation of the citizens using various social accountability tools with the aim to enhance the public expenditure outcomes. CUTS is also working in the area of ‘Access to Information’ using the act to combat corruption and testing its potential as a social accountability tool.
Continuing with its work in the area of governance and accountability CUTS has recently partnered with Affiliated Network for Social Accountability – South Asia Region and Global Partnership Fund (ANSA–SAR & Global) and conceptualized last year a project titled ‘Developing a culture of good governance and accountability in the state of Rajasthan, India through involving CSOs and building their capacity with a focus on improving the public expenditure outcomes’.
It is very fortunate that people of this country have recently raised their voice loud enough to be heard by the power holders in the movement led by Anna Hajare. Together with this precious occasion, CUTS has also been able to complete one year of above-mentioned project.
Using the current momentum against corruption, we are organizing a Public Event on ‘Demand and Supply of Corruption in Public Services’ on Monday, April 18, 2011 at 2.30 pm at RICEM, 10B Jhalana Institutional Area, Jaipur under the above-mentioned intervention. 66 network partners from all 33 districts of Rajasthan, policy makers/government officials, representatives of civil society organizations and media are expected to participate in the lecture.
This event will be followed by a refresher cum planning session for the civil society partners of CUTS-ANSA project for rolling out the year II activities, which will conclude by April 19, 2011 afternoon.
For More Information please contact
Om Prakash Arya (+91 99280 39210)
Ph: 91. 5133259; 2282 823/2282 482; Fx: 91.141.4015 395
Email: cart@cuts.org; Website: http://www.cuts-international.org/cart