Department of Consumer Affairs, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution, Government of India has awarded a project named as ‘Strengthen Consumer Safety in India and Publish the State of Consumer Safety in India Report (ConsumersUp-2)’. Project is started on August 19, 2015 and it’s of one year duration from August 19, 2015 to August 18, 2016.
The project includes following activities on the state of consumer safety focusing on the consumer safety in the following service Sectors. Energy: – Electricity and Gas, Housing: – Fire, Earthquake, Lifts, Transport: – Road, Rail and Aviation, Health: – Medicines, Hospitals, Food and Water, Public Amusement Services, Some commonly used products will also be taken into consideration for the research purpose. Five inputs papers, based on the research, will be written by subject matter experts to suggest possible actionable solutions to strengthen consumer safety in the selected sectors in the country. Publication of ‘State of Consumer Safety Report’ based on the research. Wider circulation and outreach to concerned stakeholders will be ensured.