‘Sharing Community’-Green Action Week-2018

Consumption patterns have changed drastically in recent years resulting in unsustainable lifestyles. Mass consumption is due to innovations, technology, open markets etc. While this trend continues, there is a sizeable population that is unable to meet even its basic needs, like access to food, clothing, shelter. Also, increased consumption results in generation of more waste, which is harmful to environment. It is important for consumers to recognise their rights to a healthy environment and behave responsibly.In partnership with Swedish Society for Nature Conservation (SSNC), CUTS International is implementing a Project ‘Developing a Culture of Sustainable Consumption and Lifestyle through Organic Production and Consumption in the State of Rajasthan (ProOrganic-II)’ from April 01, 2017 to March 31, 2021 in 10 selected districts of Rajasthan (India). The main objective of the project is to fill the identified gaps and sustain the acquired momentum to achieve expected outcomes for a better eco-system, by promoting organic consumption.

Every year CUTS observe Green Action week (GAW) in Jaipur District as an activity under the Project. This year the theme of GAW is “Sharing Community”. Focusing on the theme, activities have been planned in the community for community kitchen gardening, composting and sharing the yield with the neighborhood community. The community will also develop common kitchen garden in waste land. In addition to avoid food wastage, sharing of left out food among the needy is also planned in the community. For this, CUTS has selected two Neighbor Communities (Ramnagar and Meenavala) of Jaipur.

In the selected communities, 25 households will be identified in each community to implement the activities. Women from these household will be trained to develop kitchen gardens. They will be trained on segregating wet and dry waste. Wet-waste composting units will be set up at common places for five households each and community members will be encouraged to put wet waste in these units. Women from the neighborhood community will be trained on the composting process. Households will be encouraged to set up kitchen gardens, grow organic vegetables and the compost from their kitchen waste to share them within their community.

A ‘Wall of Kindness’ will be set up in each community where people can put their used and unused household items like clothes, Crockery items, books etc. to share with other community members.
