Main Objectives of Gram Gadar
- Increase the awareness of the poor people of the village and weaker sections of the society, especially the oppressed classes like the tribals, scheduled castes and scheduled tribes.
- Awaken and educate the rural women about their legal and constitutional rights and encourage them to fight for their rights by providing legal information to them. For this purpose, two sections on Consumer Decisions and Legal Rights were introduced in ‘Gram Gadar’.
- Publish the general problems and news of the rural people in the form of news reports to prepare a popular base, prepare the villagers for the changing times and awaken them.
- Inform the villagers about the rural development schemes of the Government; analyse these schemes; encourage them to work together by coalescing them; draw their attention towards the health and health-related problems of the village; educate and sensitise them about the basic needs and draw the attention of the local administration to these issues.
- Awaken the rural women and bring them together to fight against widespread malpractices and superstitions in the rural areas, inform them about their legal rights and encourage them to fight for their rights.
- Sensitise people towards the environment, encourage them to keep the environment clean and make them aware about the importance of the environment.
- Help them against violation of their rights, represent and publish these and inform the local bureaucracy.
- Enable rural folks to fight for their own rights; plead their case properly and provide an efficient forum so that justice can reach people.
- Make rural people stronger and competent; collect information from them related to their various needs, particularly
their basic needs, problems and suggestions, if any; analyse their capabilities, potential and awareness on this basis, research the matter thus collected and then publish it. For this purpose, a new section entitled ‘Nigrani’ (Watch) has been started from April 1995.