CUTS-Centre for Human Development (CHD) identified education as an important tool in women empowerment and launched ‘Balika Shiksha Protsahan Karyakram’ (Girl Child Education-Programme for Motivation) on the 2nd July 1999.
The programme aims to create a social environment favourable for girl child education and empowering women through education.
The activities organised under the programme include awareness rallies, cultural programmes, home visit and on-to-one talks, identification of girls of school going age, school admissions, etc. Shiksha Samities, comprising community head, local public representatives, members of self help groups and local teachers would be constituted. The samities, at the village level, would aim at ensuring measures against school drop out of girl students, improve the quality of education, meeting the resource requirement for education at local level.
The strategy is to organise campaign for motivation of girl child education, during 1st -15th July, every year.
The recent campaign, 2001, was launched in village Khanpura, on 9th July 2001. About 250 rural people, cuts and government representatives participated in it. Local MP Srichand Kriplani declared allotment of Rs.1000 per girl student for the development works of village, from the MP Fund.