About Project
Consumer Unity & Trust Society (CUTS International) is organising two capacity building workshops for CSOs in India of 2 days each, one in North and one in South India with the support of The U.S. Embassy in India, New Delhi. The capacity building workshop will bring together representatives from leading think tanks, civil society organisations (CSOs), and law firms practicing non-profit law to share best practices for enhancing self-governance and transparency.The aim is to strengthen the skills and capacity of CSOs to develop their leadership, problem-solving skills and overcome challenges at all levels. The focus areas will be the importance of quality documentation, effective management of projects, financial and statutory compliance, responsible internal governance, FCRA laws, GST regulations, DARPAN registrations, and banking compliances. There will be 25 participants in each workshop from leading CSOs and think tanks from various parts of the country. Representatives from Ministry of Home Affairs, NITI Aayog, policymakers, academia, US Embassy and other experts in the field are expected to lead the theme based sessions. Sessions will be focused on sharing best practices to improve the working environment of CSOs, develop CSOs capacity to compete for and manage grants and promote learning and networking opportunities through parallel sessions on themes of strategic relevance to U.S-India ties, social-cultural activities and service-based learning.
The event will provide an excellent opportunity and common platform for participants for the exchange of ideas, sharing and learning, networking with stakeholders and work together as a team to build New India where inclusive development is a norm and democracy is strengthen to highest level. Overall, improved capacity of CSOs will be helpful in better management of grants and development projects which will strengthen social and cultural relations of India with other countries.
What’s New
Responsible Governance & Management: Capacity Building of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs)
September 20 and 21, 2018, New Delhi
Event Report
September 17 and 18, 2018 , Jaipur
Event Report
Project Activities
Responsible Governance & Management: Capacity Building of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), September 20 and 21, 2018, New Delhi.
Responsible Governance & Management: Capacity Building of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), September 17 and 18, 2018 , Jaipur.
IEC Material
- Delhi Shops and Establishments Act
- Fund Raising Plan for Non Profit Organisations – Instructions & Rubric
- Background Paper
- 10 Keys to Strategic Planning for Nonprofit Leaders
- Creating Effective Fundraising Plan
- Getting Started with Data-Driven Decision Making: A Workbook
- Financial Management Handbook for NGOs
- NGO Finance Management
- Nonprofit Fundraising 101
- Measuring Outcomes
Responsible Governance & Management: Capacity Building of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs)
September 17-18, 2018, Jaipur