Across the globe, consumer protection remains critical to individual consumers and families, as well as communities and countries. Keynote speakers and concurrent session presenters at the 2013 Annual Conference of the American Council on Consumer Interests (ACCI) addressed the importance of consumer protection today at the Benson Hotel, Portland.
ACCI established in 1953, a leading membership organization for academicians and other professionals involved in consumer and family economics.
ACCI’s 2013 Colston Warne Lecturer was David C. Vladeck, a Georgetown Professor of Law who recently completed four years of service to the Federal Trade Commission’s Bureau of Consumer Protection. A lecturer who has significantly contributed to the consumer movement is recognized annually in honor of Warne, a founder of ACCI and Consumers Union. Speaking on “The Dilemmas of Debt” Vladeck raised the challenge of devising reasonable financial tools for consumers, especially those with low incomes and limited assets.
George Cheriyan, Director of the India based Consumer Unity & Trust Society (CUTS), was recognized as the Rhoda Karpatkin International Consumer Fellow for 2013 for his significant contributions to the welfare of consumers on the international stage as an internationally renowned consumer leader. The Karpatkin Fellowship honors the international consumer work of former President of Consumers Union & Consumers International, Rhoda Karpatkin. Cheriyan was acknowledged for leading the consumer protection work of CUTS International. CUTS is the only consumer organization recognized by and regularly participating in the panel of World Trade Organization. Cheriyan has contributed towards strengthening the consumer protection regime in India and that CUTS work has expanded to various countries Zambia, Kenya, Vietnam, and Ghana. Cheriyan spoke about the varying consumer protection regimes around the world, with particular emphasis on the current state of consumer protection in India and stressed the need for more concerted, intensive and aggressive efforts at various levels to deal with emerging challenges.
Participating researchers are from all over the United States and from ten other countries, Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, The Republic of Korea, and The UK.. They presented and discussed their work in concurrent sessions on financial access and inclusion, financial literacy and well-being, retirement preparedness and research methodology. The two days annual conference will conclude on April 12, 2013.
For more information, please contact:
Ginger Phillips, Executive Director, ACCI