A documentary Film on Social Accountability in Action

CUTS Centre for Consumer Action, Research & Training (CUTS CART), a programme centre of CUTS, has applied the approaches of social accountability through two consecutive pilot projects over the period of three years for assessing the effectiveness of implementation of Midday Meal Scheme (MDMS) and NREGS in Rajasthan, with the aim of judging the potential of the social accountability (SAc) approaches in influencing the public expenditure outcomes. The pilots have proved the potential of these SAc approached and also identified in the courtyards of policy makers as these could trigger a lot of operational and policy changes.

The dissemination of the pilots has created an enabling environment for generating demand in the supply-side constituency. Thus the decision makers have started showing genuine interest in it and also recognised the strength of it in achieving good governance. To strengthen this generated urge in the supply side constituencies, this documentary film “Social Accountability in Action” was produced with the support of the World Bank as strategic communication and dissemination tool.

